Cooking Light - March 2015, ●●●CZASOPISMA●●●
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//-->THEFAMILY DINNERISSUEH E A LT H YITESFA V O RPizza, Pork Chops,Tacos, Blondies& More63MARCH 2015MICHELLEOBAMACelebratesthe FifthAnniversary ofLet’s Move!p. 112“The mostpowerful thingpeople can do fortheir healthis feed their bodiesgood nutritiousfood.”EASYWEEKNIGHTSOLUTIONSONE-DISHDINNERSSUPERFASTSTIR-FRIESPERFECTPASTAS(including this game-changingOne-Pot Pasta withSpinach & Tomatoes)life istryinga recipethat’sadventurous,and a kitchenwhere findingthe tools isn’©Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2015$SEKTION/BROKHULTkitchen*Based on a 10'×10' kitchen2799* O L . 2 9/ N O . 2INNERDEA MI LYFISSUThe FirstLady of FoodP. 112Michelle Obama’s visionfor a healthier Americastarts with good food.p.One-Pot Pasta withSpinach & Tomatoes116One-Dish MealsP. 126One-pot meals that arefar from one-noteP H O T O G R A P H Y: ( T H I S PA G E ) J E N N I F E R C A U S E Y; F O O D S T Y L I N G : K E L L I E G E R B E R K E L L E Y; P R O P S T Y L I N G : L I N D S E Y L O W E RWhy Do MyBlondies Burn?P. 138It could be your pan; wecompare three batches.Stir-Fry SuppersP. 1406 fast, sizzling dinnersON THE COVERPHOTOGRAPHYPeggy SirotaFOOD STYLINGChris LanierCREATIVE DIRECTIONDimity JonesPHOTO PRODUCTIONAmy L. Delaune5 DISHESYOU NEED TOCOOK THISMONTHLIGHT BULBGet to know thesofter side of fennel;when braised, it turnssilky, sweet, and wildlydelicious.p. 58LEFTOVERMAKEOVERWARMINGTRENDEASIEST PASTAAn extra batch ofroasted veggiestransforms into richpureed soup.p. 64A brothy noodle bowlgets a lift from theheat and funk ofkimchi.p. 110Layer noodles, liquid,and tomatoes all inone pot, and cook tilldone. No drainingrequired!p. 116EVERYTHINGGETS BETTER... with an egg on it!Our spicy beef stir-frylaps up that lusciousyolk.p. 142S C A N P H O T O S , S AV E R E C I P E S . S E E P A G E 6 .WorldMags.netMARCH 2015COOKING LIGHT1You can’t blameHo Hos orScandal.Blame habit.”p. 99WorldMags.netGADGETS & GEAR TO FRESHENUP YOUR MORNING CUPp. 14p.104At homewith HughAchesonp.44Green PeaPesto Crostini64eat 3xCook once,p.11| Today’s SpecialBucatini with Meyerlemon cream from chefJenn Louis14| Most Wanted5 ways to up yourcoffee game18| PairingsWhat to drink withglazed pork20| Help Me, KenjiCooking fish withoutstinking up the house56| Kids in the KitchenChicken curry bar58| In SeasonBraised fennel63| Cook Once, Eat 3xRoasted vegetables66| Freeze ItMeatballs70| Sunday Strategist5 more menu ideas87| FitnessWhat to expect fromwearable fitness devices90| BeautyPomegranate; SofíaVergara’s makeup bag99| DietThe power of habit149| TechniqueHerb-infused oil150| Use It UpChallengeButtermilk150| Market SmartsPork chop cuts152| GearWok basics153| Prep-WiseFennelP H O T O G R A P H Y: ( C L O C K W I S E F R O M B O T T O M L E F T ) B R I A N K E N N E DY, J E N N I F E R C A U S E Y ( 3 ) , A N D B R I E PA S S A N OLet’s GetCooking!55| Slow CookerBrisket and veggiesHealthyHabitsKitchenConfidentialNutritionMade Easy77| Nutrition IQTaking the sat fat outof cream soup78| By the Numbers150-calorie pancaketoppers83| Recipe MakeoverBroccoli-cheese soupCookingDepartments100| GardenPlanting guide forfresh produce all year104| In aCook’s KitchenHugh Acheson’shome kitchen109| Cooking ClassWhole-grain ricenoodle bowls156| Wow!Rhubarb cheesecakein a jarDinnerTonight23| Dinner TonightFast family recipes41| Superfast20-minute cooking&the rest...4| Editor’s Note8| Letters154| Recipe IndexSingle-servecheesecakesp. 15652| EverydayVegetarianPolenta bowl withmushrooms, olives,and chickpeas2COOKING LIGHTMARCH 2015WorldMags.netS C A N P H O T O S , S AV E R E C I P E S . S E E P A G E 6 .Learn more about wholesome snacking at CHEESE PEOPLETMKNOW WHEN IT COMES TOPROTEIN,CHEESE RULES.It keeps you fueled. It keeps yousatisfied. Because Sargento®StringCheese is a natural source ofprotein. With 8 grams per serving,it beats out almonds, eggs andpeanut butter — every time.See Nutrition Information for Fat and Saturated Fat Content© 2015 Sargento Foods Inc.WE’REREAL CHEESEPEOPLEWorldMags.netTM
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