Christmas Heaven - 2015 UK, Czasopisma Kulinarne

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//-->0404Stained glasswindow biscuitsWhite chocolate &pistachio rose ringFig & anisemille feuillesFestivegin cocktails2015PRICE £5.999 772056 5050139 772056 505013C H R I S T M A SH E AVE N2015H E AV E N2015Get the partystarted withclassic bakesand puddingsEntertainin stylePerfectpresents!Whip up edible bakesfor all your loved ones...Gingerbread trufflesHot cocoa reindeerSpiced panettoneCelebrate Christmas withmust-try seasonal recipesFamily treatsDrinksFESTIVEBAKINGIRRESISTIBLE SWEET DELIGHTS TO WOW THE FAMILYCreative giftsTempting dessertsI N TRO D U C TI O NWelcome...It’s that time of year again folks and I for one am as excited as ever! Sure, the summerwas great and yes, Easter always offers that promise of spring and a few bank holidays, butnothing ever comes close to Christmas. Just saying the word makes you think of friends,family gatherings, family embarrasments, great nights out, recovering nights in, log fires, thehope of snow or just the enjoyment of putting a smile on someone’s face. But for some,and I confess to fall into this bracket, it’s the allure of fantastic seasonal food that curves mymouth upwards. And, because it’s Christmas, we can eat what we want and when we wantit – that’s mymodus operandianyway!We have plenty for you to choose from in this issue as well. From fabulous Christmas bakes and wonderfulpuddings, to family treats and festive drinks, there is something for everyone. We have some lovely ideas forfoodie gifts to wow your loved ones and some adorable biscuits to brighten up the little person in you. If you arestuck for ideas as to what to put under the tree for a keen baking enthusiast, turn to page 8 to find a selection ofkitchen goodies perfect for the time of year.Anyway, I hope you enjoy the magazine as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together. All that’s left to say isMerry Christmas everyone!Nick GregoryDeputy EditorChristmasH E A V E N20153CO NTE NT SChristmasB A K E SP12Chocolate hazelnutdacquoise with figsP14Cinnamon-sugaredblueberry bundtP15Mince piesP16Plum DanishP18Mincemeat cupcakesP19Black bunP20PanettoneP22Christmas cookie treeP22Gluten-free mince piesP23Gluten-free Christmasring cakeP24Naked berrycelebration cakeP26Triple berryChristmas cakeP28Mincemeat slicesP28Chestnut and orangesyrup baklavaP29Christmas mini cakesP30Rudolph’s carrot cakesP30Chocolate & cherry cakeP31Iced rosette ginger cakeP32Jaffa orange cakesP34Chocolate honeycombbiscuit cakeP34Mincemeat muffinsP35FriandsP35White chocolate andpistachio rose ringP36Cinnamon wreathwith ryeP37Vanilla andcardamoM knotsP38Nordic ginger biscuitsP38Anzac biscuitsP39Peach and pine nut cakeP39Lemon drizzle loafP40Clementine polenta cakeP41Belgian sliceP41Plum tartChristmasD E S S E RT SP44Butterscotchdevil’s delightP45Gluten-free chocolateChristmas puddingP46Christmas pudding withtropical fruit and rumP48Classic ChristmaspuddingP49Roasted figswith triple secP49Spiced cranberry andapple crumbleP50Orange liqueur puddingP51Raspberry truffle torte4ChristmasH E A V E NP52Ginger andbourbon triflesP52Baked ChristmaspuddingP53Red berries and creamcheese mug crumbleP53Pecan apple mugcrumbleP54Spiced apple strudelP55Rum babasP55Christmas bread andbutter puddingP56Fig & anise millefeuilleFind your perfect present for friends,family and loved ones in our Christmasgift guide on page 8...P58Pink grapefruitcheesecakeP59Tipply trifleP59Christmas puddingice creamP60Eggnog bread puddingwith cinnamon caramel sauceP61Peppermint arctic roll& T R E AT SP66Christmas puddingmacaroonsP68Cinnamon starsP69Chocolate, gingerbreadand apricot trufflesP70Snowflake treatsGiftsP71Coconut snowballsP71Chocolate and cherrycannelesP72BrigadeirosP74Rosemary sea saltcaramelsP76Coconut and cranberrymacaroonsP77Caramel fudgeP77Almond truffle biscuitsP78Christmas muffinsP78Pistachio andcranberry nougatP79Goats’ cheese andraspberry trufflesP80Brandied chocolatetrufflesP82Chocolate and vanillapinwheelsP84Black and white cookiesP85Anise cookiesP86Cookie housesP88Mini nut bars❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆Drinks❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆Christmas❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆❆P92Christmas gin cocktailsP93Sparkling rum cocktailP93Festive whisky cocktailsH E AV E NP84Chocolate-coveredspice cookies5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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