Cooking By The Book(1), książki kucharskie
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Cooking by the Book
A collection of recipes
from more than two dozen authors
PLEASE NOTE: All writing you find between these e-pages is copyrighted, and no part shall be used in
any way or reprinted without permission of the authors. This book in its entirety is intended to be used by
each contributing author purely as a free promotional item. It is never to be sold, or used in any other way.
The e-book may be placed on a website by the authors so visitors can download it for free. It may also be
transferred to a floppy or CD to hand out or mail to fans.
Copyright 2001
Cooking by the Book Contributing Authors
~ Contributing Authors ~
Mary Emma Allen
Susan Younan Attiyah
Dehanna Bailee
Karen Mueller Bryson
Phyllis Cambria
Michael Chapman
Gleanna Connell,
a/k/a Glenys OÆConnell
Charlotte Dillon
Sharon Fernleaf
Leslie P. Garcia
Peggy Hazelwood
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Gail Jenner
Ann Josephson
Catherine Karp
Carol Kluz
David Leonhardt
Joyce Livingston
Stephanie Parker Logue
Judith Lynn
Kristie Leigh Maguire
Barbara Phinney
Roxanne Rustand
Kathleen Walls
Norah Wilson
~ About This Book ~
Cooking by the Book
was put together as a labor of love by more than two dozen talented
writers Á who just happen to be wonderful cooks as well. The main goal in this
undertaking was to offer loyal readers and website visitors a gift to show our
During the process of completing this project, all of the writers took great pains to fill this
little e-book with favorite recipes, short biographies, and even some excerpts from the
books that tie in with the appetizing foods you'll find listed.
As you read through the finished cookbook, we hope you discover many delicious
recipes, learn a little about each author, and be tempted to sample a few of the dishes Á
and at least a little of our writing.
A lot of effort went into completing this offering. The driving force behind it, and the
person who got the ball rolling, is a gifted author by the name of Kathleen Walls. She
served as contact, editor, planner, and even finished the attractive cover for thefinished e-
book. A number of other writers put on their editors' hats to help out, including Dehanna
Bailee, Phyllis Cambria, Charlotte Dillon, Leslie P. Garcia, Peggy Hazelwood, and Ann
Josephson. Other authors, like Carol Kluz and David Leonhardt stepped forward to
handle promotion.
Charlotte Dillon
Contributing Author
PLEASE NOTE: All writing you find between these e-pages is copyrighted, and no part
shall be used in any way or reprinted without permission of the authors. This book in its
entirety is intended to be used by each contributing author purely as a free promotional
item. It is never to be sold, or used in any other way.The e-book may be placed on a
website by the authors so visitors can download it for free. It may also be transferred to a
floppy or CD to hand out or mail to fans.
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