Check Your English for Travel and Tourism, Angielski ebooki , learning
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//-->CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FORLEISURE, TRAVEL ANDTOURISMSecond EditionRawdon WyattA & C BlackLondonFirst published 1995 by Peter Collin Publishing asCheck Your English Vocabulary for Hotels, Tourism and Catering ManagementThis second edition published 2005 byBloomsbury Publishing PlcReprinted 2007 byA&C Black Publishers Ltd38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB© Copyright Rawdon Wyatt 2007All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced inany form without the permission of the publishers.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue entry for this book is available from the British LibraryISBN-10 0 7136 8736 3ISBN-13 978 0 7136 8736 1eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0236-7Text computer typeset by A&C BlackPrinted in the UK by Caligraving LtdThis book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests.It is natural, renewable and recyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conformto the environmental regulations of the country of origin.IntroductionWho is this book for?This book has been written for anyone working, or planning to work, in the leisure, traveland tourism industry, and who wants to develop their vocabulary for this line of work. Thevarious exercises throughout the book focus on the key vocabulary that you would expectto understand and use on a day-to-day basis.How should you use the book?When you use this book, you should not go through the exercises mechanically. It is betterto choose areas that you are unfamiliar with, or areas that you feel are of specific interest orimportance to yourself.The exercises are accompanied by a full answer key at the back of the book. This key alsogives you lots of other information that might be useful to you, as well as providing otherwords (opposites, alternative words, etc) that are not covered in the exercises themselves.There are also some tasks that will give you the opportunity to practise using the vocabularyin context.It is important to record new words and expressions that you learn. Try to develop your ownpersonal vocabulary 'bank' in a notebook or file. Review the words and expressions on aregular basis so that they become an active part of your vocabulary.The following books were consulted during the writing of this book, and you might findthem useful if you want to find out more about leisure, travel and tourism. The vocabularycovered in this book is not completely exhaustive, so you will also find these sources veryhelpful if you want to develop your travel vocabulary further:Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism(Bloomsbury Publishing, 0-7475-7222-4)Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality(S. Medlik, Butterworth Heinemann,0-7506-5650-6)Tourism Management(Stephen J Page, Butterworth Heinemann, 0-7506-5752-9)An Introduction to Tourism(Leonard J Lickorish and Carson L Jenkins, Elsevier,0-7506-1956-2)In Search of Hospitality(Edited by Conrad Lashley and Alison Morrison, ButterworthHeinemann, 0-7506-5431-7)The International Hospitality Industry(Edited by Bob Brotherton, ButterworthHeinemann, 0-7506-5295-0)Check your Vocabulary series(various authors, Bloomsbury)The author also made use of a large range of travel- and tourism-related websites on theInternet, as well as holiday brochures and other information freely available from travelagencies and tour operators.ContentsPage: Title:Page: Title: 1: InternationalorganisationsAbbreviations 2Abbreviations 3: Holiday brochureAccommodation types and tariffsAirline terminologyAt the airportAt the hotelBasic foodsBritish and American EnglishCurrenciesDocuments and paperworkEmploymentEnvironmental and conservationissuesFood issuesGeography and geographicalfeaturesHoliday activities and equipmentIdioms 1Idioms 2In the airMoney matters37. the road / Car hireOn the waterPositive or negative? (Commonadjectives)PrepositionsRestaurants and barsServices, amenities and attractionsTravel equipmentTravel health and safetyTwo-word expressions 1: A - ZTwo-word expressions 2Types of holidayTypes of tourismWhat has gone wrong? (Holidaymishaps and disasters)What is their job 1?What is their job 2?: Hotel staffWhere are they 1?Where are they 2?Answers© Bloomsbury Publishing. For reference seeDictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism(0-7475-7222-4).
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