Combatives Overview, Martial Arts - Sztuki walki, największy zbiór poradników i video tutoriali w sieci
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Combatives: Military Martial Arts
Many martial arts are derived from military combatives; the study of hand-to-hand combat in warfare.
After all, the term "martial art" means "art of warfare." For example, the sport of
comes from
, which comes from samurai grappling, which was part of the training Japanese warriors received
as preparation for battle.
Many weapon-oriented arts, such as
, and
, originated in schools of
martial techniques for warriors. These weapons, the sword, bow and arrow, and pole arm, were the
assault rifles and machine guns of their time--the default weapons of military fighters--and as such were
key components in combat training.
Today, most military personnel are trained in battlefield-expedient combatives; namely, the techniques
that would be most effective to stop or kill an enemy fighter. As such, a look at the training programs of
the different martial arts branches turns up techniques from striking arts, like
kung fu
, and
grappling arts, like jujitsu.
For example, the U.S. Army's Combatives program includes striking,
grappling, knife, and bayonet techniques.
Striking techniques include basic punch/kick techniques, as in sport
martial arts like karate or
tae kwon do
, but emphasize combat-oriented
striking like knee and elbow strikes.
Many grappling techniques are familiar to sport grapplers, such as this
simple standing armbar.
Other techniques are unique to military situations--most notably
bayonet usage and sentry removal.
Most nations emphasize well-rounded, effectiveness-oriented martial arts techniques in their military
training. Several recently-developed martial arts are derived from modern military combat training:
Krav Maga (Israel)
ROSS and SAMBO (Russia)
San Shou (China)
Tukong Moosul (South Korea)
We say "recently-developed" here because all of these arts came about in the past few decades, unlike
most other martial arts that have centuries of history behind them.
Krav Maga
Krav Maga is the official combat art of the Israeli military forces. Krav Maga originated in the 1940's
while Israel was still under British rule, and ordinary citizens were not permitted to own weapons.
Unarmed combat skills were developed for self-defense. (Note the similarity to the beginnings of
). The words "
krav maga
" translate to "contact combat" in Hebrew.
Imi Lichenfield, founder of the art, became Chief Instructor of hand-to-hand combat and physical fitness
for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the late 1940s. Beginning with special forces units like the
Haganah, Palmack, and Palyam, Krav Maga became the official combatives training for all military
personnel and Israeli police and security forces. Lichenfield retired from the IDF in 1964 and began
teaching Krav Maga to civilians.
Krav Maga, like the other military-oriented arts described in this article, is very combat-oriented. There
are no kata or forms, or set combinations as reactions to attacks. Instead, the art emphasizes
improvisation using a core set of techniques--since attacks don't always occur in the same manner (e.g.
body position, speed, distance), reaction-based responses rather than rote practice was thought best.
Many techniques originated in
, not surprising given the background of the
founder. Other techniques are from
and karate. However, most techniques seem adapted for
modern battlefield combat, much as in the other military-oriented systems.
Because of the art's combat-orientation, there are no competitions or tournaments in Krav Maga. Like
other arts, Krav Maga issues colored belts to denote higher levels of expertise.
ROSS and SAMBO are often described in the same breath, as they share many similarities. Both are
acronyms: ROSS standing for
Rossijskaya Otechestvennaya Sistema Samozashchity
(Russian Native
System of Self-defense), and SAMBO standing for
SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya
(Self-defense Without
Weapons). Both, as you might have guessed from the acronyms, originated in Russia. And since we're
talking about military martial arts here, both have roots in the Russian military, with ROSS taught to the
Spetsnaz Special Operations units (similar to the
US Green Berets
or UK Special Air Service), and
SAMBO used during World War II by soldiers on the Russian front.
SAMBO is the older of the two, originating in the 1930's as a collection of the different wrestling styles
of the nations comprising the former USSR. It's said that the art evolved with the addition of street-
savvy techniques known only by criminals--prisoners were released from prison to fight on the front
lines, and passed along their combat knowledge to their fellow soldiers.
ROSS is a more recent development, developed by General Alexander Ivanovich Retuinskih of the
Cossack Military. In 1991, ROSS was recognized by the Russian Olympic Committee as the
representative Russian Martial Art.
How are ROSS and SAMBO connected? ROSS seems to incorporate SAMBO as part of its technique
repertoire, and adds other techniques derived from traditional Russian fist fighting and modern
biomechanics. SAMBO is mostly seen as the third style of international
"sport sambo" looks much like
but lacks chokes. It's "combat-flavor," though, is more like other
military combative programs, emphasizing neutralizing the enemy rather than scoring points.
San Shou
San Shou shi Wushu de Jinghua
(San Shou is the Quintessence of Wushu)
saying "San Shou is the Quintessence of Wushu" describes the art perfectly. San shou is the
full-contact fighting art of modern wushu. In the 1960's, the Chinese government brought together the
masters of
kung fu
from all over China to define a standardized martial system. The resulting art became
the standard combatives training for the Chinese military and police forces.
San shou, therefore, incorporates all the best techniques of wushu and kung fu, including kicks, hand
strikes, grappling, and throws.
Most san shou competitions look like
: spectators usually watch two competitors fight as in a
kickboxing match, except that the fighters get to use takedowns. In san shou competition, fighters can
win by scoring points, knocking out their opponent, or by forcing their opponent out of the ring--similar
WWF SmackDown
, or
Virtua Fighter
in that regard. Often, san shou matches are
fought on a raised platform known as the "
lei tai
"--making knocking your opponent out of the ring a
ballistic event. While this might sound just like other mixed martial arts events, like the
Fighting Championships
, there are some limitations: knee, elbow, and head butt strikes, and joint locks
and chokes, are forbidden.
Military san shou doesn't have such restrictions. Like the division between sport
and combat
sambo, military san shou incorporates the techniques of sport san shou and emphasizes neutralizing the
enemy. As with
krav maga
, there are no forms, or set sequences of techniques--just pure hand-to-hand
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