Cisco.Press.Metro.Ethernet.eBook-KB, Networking
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Table of Contents
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and
what they can do for your organization
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to
understand the concepts
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-selling Cisco Press author, Sam
Halabi, author of
Internet Routing Architectures
Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth for the networking industry and will
represent a major shift in how data services are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for delivering data services because it has
been built to handle the stringent reliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to
go through fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation data services demanded
by enterprise customers and consumers. This is not only a technology shift, but also a shift in the
operational and business model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform the metro to
offer enhanced data services.
Metro Ethernet
from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metro data services from a holistic
view. It describes the current metro, which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the
drivers and challenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address data services.
Metro Ethernet
discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services and how that has led carriers
to the delivery of metro data services. With a changing mix of transport technologies, the book
then examines current and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtual private networks
(VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN), virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic
engineering, and MPLS and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS).
Table of Contents
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewers
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and
what they can do for your organization
Icons Used in This Book
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to
understand the concepts
Who Should Read This Book?
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-selling Cisco Press author, Sam
Halabi, author of
Internet Routing Architectures
Part I: Ethernet: From the LAN to the MAN
Chapter 1. Introduction to Data in the Metro
Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth for the networking industry and will
represent a major shift in how data services are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for delivering data services because it has
been built to handle the stringent reliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to
go through fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation data services demanded
by enterprise customers and consumers. This is not only a technology shift, but also a shift in the
operational and business model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform the metro to
offer enhanced data services.
The Metro Network
Ethernet in the Metro
The Early Metro Ethernet Movers
The U.S. Incumbent Landscape
The International Landscape
A Data View of the Metro
Metro Services
Ethernet Access and Frame Relay Comparison
Metro Ethernet
from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metro data services from a holistic
view. It describes the current metro, which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the
drivers and challenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address data services.
Chapter 2. Metro Technologies
Ethernet over SONET/SDH
Metro Ethernet
discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services and how that has led carriers
to the delivery of metro data services. With a changing mix of transport technologies, the book
then examines current and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtual private networks
(VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN), virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic
engineering, and MPLS and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS).
Resilient Packet Ring
Ethernet Transport
Chapter 3. Metro Ethernet Services
L2 Switching Basics
Metro Ethernet Services Concepts
Example of an L2 Metro Ethernet Service
Challenges with All-Ethernet Metro Networks
Table of Contents
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
Goals and Methods
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 4. Hybrid L2 and L3 IP/MPLS Networks
Understanding VPN Components
Delivering L3VPNs over IP
L2 Ethernet Services over an IP/MPLS Network
Part II: MPLS: Controlling Traffic over Your Optical Metro
Chapter 5. MPLS Traffic Engineering
Table of Contents
Advantages of Traffic Engineering
Pre-MPLS Traffic Engineering Techniques
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
MPLS and Traffic Engineering
Chapter 6. RSVP for Traffic Engineering and Fast Reroute
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
Understanding RSVP-TE
Understanding MPLS Fast Reroute
Chapter 7. MPLS Controlling Optical Switches
Understanding GMPLS
Establishing the Need for GMPLS
Signaling Models
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
Label Switching in a Nonpacket World
Chapter 8. GMPLS Architecture
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and
what they can do for your organization
GMPLS Interfaces
Modification of Routing and Signaling
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to
understand the concepts
Inclusion of Technology-Specific Parameters
Link Management Protocol
GMPLS Protection and Restoration Mechanisms
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-selling Cisco Press author, Sam
Halabi, author of
Internet Routing Architectures
Summary of Differences Between MPLS and GMPLS
Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth for the networking industry and will
represent a major shift in how data services are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for delivering data services because it has
been built to handle the stringent reliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to
go through fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation data services demanded
by enterprise customers and consumers. This is not only a technology shift, but also a shift in the
operational and business model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform the metro to
offer enhanced data services.
Appendix A. SONET/SDH Basic Framing and Concatenation
SONET/SDH Frame Formats
SONET/SDH Architecture
SONET/SDH Concatenation
Metro Ethernet
from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metro data services from a holistic
view. It describes the current metro, which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the
drivers and challenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address data services.
Metro Ethernet
discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services and how that has led carriers
to the delivery of metro data services. With a changing mix of transport technologies, the book
then examines current and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtual private networks
(VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN), virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic
engineering, and MPLS and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS).
Table of Contents
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and
what they can do for your organization
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to
understand the concepts
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-selling Cisco Press author, Sam
Halabi, author of
Internet Routing Architectures
Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth for the networking industry and will
represent a major shift in how data services are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for delivering data services because it has
been built to handle the stringent reliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to
go through fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation data services demanded
by enterprise customers and consumers. This is not only a technology shift, but also a shift in the
operational and business model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform the metro to
offer enhanced data services.
Metro Ethernet
from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metro data services from a holistic
view. It describes the current metro, which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the
drivers and challenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address data services.
Metro Ethernet
discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services and how that has led carriers
to the delivery of metro data services. With a changing mix of transport technologies, the book
then examines current and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtual private networks
(VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN), virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic
engineering, and MPLS and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS).
Copyright© 2003 Cisco Systems
Published by:
Cisco Press
800 East 96th Street, 3rd Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46240 USA
Table of Contents
Metro Ethernet
BySam Halabi
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the
inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Publisher: Cisco Press
Pub Date: October 01, 2003
ISBN: 1-58705-096-X
Pages: 240
Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Number: 2002103527
First Printing September 2003
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
Warning and Disclaimer
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and
what they can do for your organization
This book is designed to provide information about Metro Ethernet. Every effort has been made
to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to
understand the concepts
The information is provided on an "as is" basis. The author, Cisco Press, and Cisco Systems,
Inc., shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss
or damages arising from the information contained in this book or from the use of the discs or
programs that may accompany it.
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-selling Cisco Press author, Sam
Halabi, author of
Internet Routing Architectures
Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth for the networking industry and will
represent a major shift in how data services are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for delivering data services because it has
been built to handle the stringent reliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to
go through fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation data services demanded
by enterprise customers and consumers. This is not only a technology shift, but also a shift in the
operational and business model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform the metro to
offer enhanced data services.
Trademark Acknowledgments
All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been
appropriately capitalized. Cisco Press or Cisco Systems, Inc. cannot attest to the accuracy of this
information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any
trademark or service mark.
Metro Ethernet
from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metro data services from a holistic
view. It describes the current metro, which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the
drivers and challenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address data services.
Metro Ethernet
discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services and how that has led carriers
to the delivery of metro data services. With a changing mix of transport technologies, the book
then examines current and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtual private networks
(VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN), virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic
engineering, and MPLS and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS).
At Cisco Press, our goal is to create in-depth technical books of the highest quality and value.
Each book is crafted with care and precision, undergoing rigorous development that involves the
unique expertise of members from the professional technical community.
Readers' feedback is a natural continuation of this process. If you have any comments regarding
how we could improve the quality of this book, or otherwise alter it to better suit your needs,
you can contact us through e-mail at
. Please make sure to include the
book title and ISBN in your message.
The opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and are not necessarily those of Cisco
Systems, Inc.
Feedback Information
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