Charles Dumas - The American Phoenix; And Why China and Europe Will Struggle after the Coming Slump (2011), ...

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‘This brilliant book penetrates to the heart of the delusions
which still obscure the true prospects for our world’.
Peter Jay
‘Charles Dumas’ and Diana Choyleva’s relections that Europe
and China will fall from grace and the US will re-attain it are
thought-provoking and convincing. Readers weaned on Dumas’
brand of hard-hitting analysis and no-prisoners-taken rigour will
not be disappointed.’
David Marsh, author of
The Euro – The Politics of the New
Global Currency
‘A forceful global analysis that predicts a wrenching slowdown
in China and a troubled decade for Europe but greater resilience
for America’s economy over the medium term.’
Paul Wallace,
The Economist
‘The tremendous global imbalances in trade and capital lows
that have emerged in the past decade - the cause of the crisis
affecting the US, Europe, China and the rest of the developing
world - are the direct result of policy distortions imposed by a
number of governments. Dumas and Choyleva and are among
the very few who have consistently understood the source of
the imbalances and now explain just why the global adjustment
is going to be so dificult, especially for surplus countries.’
Professor Michael Pettis,
Guanghua School of Management,
Peking University
Praise for
Globalisation Fractures
‘Thank God for Charles Dumas. He displays a true economist’s
understanding that most things in economics are the opposite of
what you would suppose – that for example the global crisis has
been as much the work of savings gluttons as of wanton debtors.’
Peter Jay
‘Unless we correctly analyse the cause of the current crisis,
we will never be able to cure it or prevent a recurrence. Most
analysis does not get beneath the symptoms, but Charles Dumas
gets to the root problem.’
Peter Lilley
‘Charles Dumas has consistently been one of the ablest
communicators on the inancial crisis – a man with a nose for
danger. In characteristically acerbic style he sets out the causes
of our distress, seeks out those to blame and maps out the
escape routes. Required reading.’
David Marsh
Praise for
The Bill from the China Shop
‘In 2005 Ben Bernanke argued that a global saving glut is causing
the huge US current account deicits. Charles Dumas recognised
this truth long before him. This splendid book explains how
Asia’s surpluses are driving US households ever deeper into debt
and why this unsustainable process must end in tears.’
Martin Wolf
The AmericAn Phoenix
Charles Dumas and Diana Choyleva
And why ChinA And EuropE will
strugglE AftEr thE Coming slump
First published in Great Britain in 2011 by
Proile Books Ltd
3A Exmouth House
Pine Street
London EC1R OJH
Copyright © Lombard Street Research 2011
The moral right of the authors has been asserted.
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright
owner and the publisher of this book.
Typeset in Times by MacGuru Ltd
Printed and bound in Britain by
Bell & Bain Ltd
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978 1 84668 564 4
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